Monday, May 15, 2006

Self Motivation: 4 Powerful Yet Simple Ways To Stay Motivated

Self Motivation - Staying motivated when things get difficult can be really hard at times, can't it? Of course there will be times when you just want to call it "quits" because you can't see any good results from all the hard work you've put in. Well, don't worry about it, because that is a perfectly natural way to feel. The problem comes in when you act on those feelings and give up before you realize your dream.

Just remember that setbacks will happen, they are a part of being successful. You have never truly failed until you abandon your vision and give up on your dreams. But what about when you're really exhausted physically, mentally, and - most of all - emotionally? How can you keep your self motivation when all you really want to do is just give up?

Here are four simple, yet powerful, ways to stay motivated long enough to accomplish your goals:

1) Allow Yourself To Feel As If You Have Already Attained Your Goal

How would you feel after accomplishing your goal? Of course you will feel ecstatic. You might be shedding tears of joy. Let this tremendous feeling sink in and encourage you to persist despite all odds. Think of how you will feel about yourself. How others will feel about you. How life will seem once you have attained your goal. Let yourself feel all these feelings, as if you have already achieved your dream and it will become real to you, then it will be a simple process to keep your motivaion up.

2) The Reward System

How would you feel if you've entered a contest and made it all the way to the finnish line, only to find there were no prizes for the winners? pretty discouraged, huh? Well, the same principles should apply to reaching your vision. Reward yourself after accomplishing each goal. Set a particular incentive to reward yourself with for every objective you attain.

For instance, let's say that after you've achieved a particular task, you'll treat yourself to dinner at your favorite restaurant. Then, when you've finished a bigger task, you'll go on a vacation. Just set something gratifying to indulge in after completing a certain goal, and you will be able to keep your motivation.

3) Utilize The Power Of A Mastermind Group

If you want to succeed, surround yourself with other motivated, positive people who will support and encourage you in achieving your goals. Stick with thosee who have the same general beliefs and aspirations as yours. Positive action is generated by this fusion of
collective energy from people of "like minds."

Likewise, hanging around people who are negative and oppose your way of thinking may trigger a negative, yet just as powerful, kind of self motivation. For instance, has anyone ever said to you that "You'll never get anywhere", or "You're wasting your time doing that?" Over time, did you not start thinking those same things about yourself? Stay away from negative people if you want to succeed, and hang with the winners.

4) Take Care Of Yourself

Make sure you get plenty of sleep, eat properly and take regular breaks throughout the day. These things may sound pretty routine, but sometimes you can get caught up in the process of chasing your dreams you can forget the most important thing -taking care of yourself. Having the will power to continue despite any hardships you may face is important, but you should still know your limits.

If you don't get enough rest, you won't be able to think clearly and you will nwon't t be able to do your tasks properly. Allowing yourself to get too tired will also bring your motivation level down, and in the process, you will just get more frustrated. Never ignore your health. It's not worth it. Success will mean nothing if you don't have the good health to enjoy it.

Use these four points to keep yourself going when times get rough, keep your self motivation high and don't give up before realizing your dreams.

self motivation


Let success coach Ken Harness take you beyond self improvement to the next level - self empowerment. Subscribe to his self improvement newsletter today at and learn to control your own destiny through self motivation.

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