Sunday, May 14, 2006

Self Motivation: Self Improvement or Self Empowerment?

Self Motivation - Self improvement is to me a really hard term to use, because the effects of most self improvement and personal development programs are usually very fleeting. Now don't get me wrong, I think self improvement programs and self help books are great. After all, that was my first introduction to self motivation and personal growth.

But I noticed that everything I learned from the self improvement books and programs and applied to my life, no matter how well it worked for awhile, eventually would quit working for me. I couldn't figure it out. I began thinking maybe it just wouldn't work for me. After all, I saw others who were using the same programs, books audios and other tools that I was using, and they were getting awesome results. Yet, they would seem to work for me for awhile, then I would go back into the old "failure" mode that had become so familiar to me.

Then, I discovered manifestation, and my self improvement puzzle found it's missing piece. However, I saw manifestation different than what most people see it as. They think it's like having a magic genie, you make your wish and poof, what you want magically appears.

However, I saw manifestation as something more. Self improvement makes me feel better. Manifestation empowers me. With the two working together in my life, anything is truly possible.

In future postings I will be discussing manifestation and self empowerment, as well as self improvement and personal developement, because to me, they are each important in their own way, but need to be applied together in order to truly unleash their power in your life.

If you found this helpful, please post and let me know. I'd love to hear from you.

self motivation


Let success coach Ken Harness take you beyond self improvement to the next level - self empowerment. Subscribe to his self improvement newsletter today at and learn to control your own destiny through self motivation.

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